​Classic Launches and Game Fishing Boats New Zealand

Classic Launches And Game Fishing Boats New Zealand
Site compiled by : B Worthington & I Blakeborough
With a life time spent working and owning charter boats, Brian Worthington has a keen interest in Classic Boats and Game Fishing Boats. As a young lad growing up in the Bay of Plenty, he spent many summer days working on his father's charter boats before skippering Taiho and then owning her in later years. In the 80's he helped build his father boat "Pacific Ranger" which Brian now owns and runs as a charter boat out of Tauranga, New Zealand.
Brian works as a Boat Broker for Gulf Group Marine in Tauranga. He is known for his vast knowledge of boats. Gulf Group Marine often has classic boats for sale.
With Oliver and Glipin Boats been built in Tauranga, Brian has taken a personal keen interest in these boats and has collected old photos and as much information as possible to help preserve the history of these classic boats. Irlene parents used to own "Canopus " she also shared in the intrest of
Oliver & Glipin Boats . Irlene's parents also owned other wooden boats over the years. She designed and managed this site.
With old news paper clips and old boating articles slowly fading away, Brian wanted to help keep the history of these old girls alive for future generations to come. Classic Boats and Game Fishing Boats web site was made and designed by Irlene and is dedicated to as many of the classic boats and classic charter boats around New Zealand.
From his stack of old "Sea Spray" magazines and other boating magazines, Brian has saved a lot of information and photos. He has also collected old photos from friends and family members, and spoken with Ted Glipin and others.
Whist Brian and Irlene have collected photo’s and information from different sources of media and old archived files, all care has been taken to make sure no copy right has been breached. If you have photos or information that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you.